2023 Swaraj Tractors Price in India & Specifications

Swaraj Product portfolio incorporates tractors from 15 HP to a 60 HP classification, which oblige the farmers requirement for different farming operations. Swaraj models have extraordinary highlights reasonable for farming and haulage application.

Here we are providing you the list of all Swaraj Tractors with their prices, power, Displacement and other specifications. 
You can check the price list given below. Also note that these prices may vary in various states.

Model Name Power Displacement CC No Of Cylinders Price
Swaraj 724 XM Bhp : 25-35 1824 2 4,48,200
Swaraj 724 XM Orchard Bhp : 25-35 1824 2 4,48,200
Swaraj 724 XM Orchard NT Bhp : 25-30 1824 2 4,50,000
Swaraj 825 XM Bhp : 25 1538 0 4,00,600
Swaraj 735 XT Bhp : 35 -40 2734 3 4,97,855
Swaraj 834 XM Bhp : 34 2952 3 5,11,200
Swaraj 735 XM Bhp : 35 2734 3 5,72,400
Swaraj 841 XM Bhp : 40-42 2730 4 5,75,000
Swaraj 744 FE Bhp : 48 3136 3 6,00,000
Swaraj 744 XM Bhp : 48 3307 3 5,00,000
Swaraj 717 Bhp : 20 NA 1 6,00,000
Swaraj 744 FE Potato Xpert Bhp : 45-50 3136 0 6,00,000
Swaraj 960 FE Bhp : 55 - 60 3480 3 6,00,000
Swaraj 843 XM Bhp : 45 2730 4 6,15,600
Swaraj 843 XM - OSM Bhp : 42 -45 2730 4 6,16,600
Swaraj 735 FE Bhp : 35 2734 3 5,50,00
Swaraj 855 FE Bhp : 55 3307 3 7,51,000
Swaraj 855 XM Bhp : 50-55 3480 3 7,51,000
Swaraj 742 FE Bhp : 42 NA 3 7,51,000