KTM Duke 200 Customized by Atenx Katros, Indonesia

When it comes to bike modification in Indonesia, the customization standards becomes epitome for other countries. Today we are showing you one such kind of modification on the public favorite KTM Duke 200. Where the KTM Duke's naked body is totally ripped off and given a retro style awesome look.

KTM Duke 200 Customized price

The body boards of the forceful exposed KTM Duke 200 has been supplanted with a specific neo-retro outline that are really hand constructed. The real customizations incorporate fashioning a fairly round fog light with LED apparatuses and a double paint plot on the fuel tank to give it an olde worlde look. You can see the split set being supplanted by a strange single-piece saddle.

KTM Duke 200 Customized by Atenx Katros

A transcending back bumper was the principal convenience to the Duke 200 took after by a flawless tail-light. Custom identifications and stickers were established deliberately and the under paunch motor watch got another exceptional look. More extensive arrangement of double reason tires were seen on the tweaked motorcycle that were fit for including to it street control basically. You can see the trellis outline being scratched to oblige the new sash.

In the last and the most fascinating was the custom paint work it got. The fuel tank was painted metallic red with a striking dark stripe over the outskirt. They have avoided the orange stick striping on the haggles the custom identifications introduced.

There was no specifications about the change in engine or power system.

This work is done by Atenx Katros.

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