Yamaha FZS Spare Parts and Accessories price list

Here we are providing you the complete list of the accessories and spare parts for Yamaha FZS which are being sold at all Yamaha dealerships.

Check out the list all accessories Ranging from Bulb cap to number plate and the price list of all accessories

Accessory Name Price List
 Air Bulb Cap 120
Bar End Cap 740
Billet Brake Clutch Liver 2200
Cool Mesh Seat Cover 1250
Crankcase Plug 680
Engine Oil Level Gauge 900
Front Brake Master Sylinder Pump 600
Front Wheel Alloy Cover 2235
Front Wheel Shaft Cover 600
Handle Upper Holder 1200
Handle Upper Holder 1 1200
LED Bar End Illuminations 1000
Led Flasher Set 3000
Led Position Light 600
Led Side Maker 1300
Led Tail Light 1200
Number Plate Bolt 250
Rear Arm End Cap 1050
Rear Arm Graphics Emblem 40
Rear Brake Adjusting Nut 300
Rim Stripes 300
Tank Brasslere 1600