Royal Enfield Continental GT 650 Modified by Renovatio Motor Works

Royal Enfield Continental GT 650 is a quite popular bike in India as well as around the world. The modifiers from everywhere have given some uniqueness to this bike. We are bringing you one of the same example of this build by Renovatio Motor Works. This bike is named Kintsugi GT 650. 

Royal Enfield Continental GT 650 Modified by Renovatio Motor Works

Royal Enfield Continental GT 650 Modified by Renovatio Motor Works

Royal Enfield Continental GT 650 Modified by Renovatio Motor Works

Royal Enfield Continental GT 650 Modified by Renovatio Motor Works

Here are the Designing and bike specification: 

1.They have designed the front fairing in their workshop. Designed by them to suit the whole GT fuel tank and not add too much roundness or make the front fairing big.

2. The side fairing both design by them to keep in mind how it suited with engine design and look familiar to whole body design language and add some edges, not too sharp but it worked perfectly. Add little scoop on both side for air and covered with black painted mesh. But they have to keep in mind that the bike has its own crash guard so they have to adjust the fairing inside of the crash guard and the way it came out after fabrication looks absolutely stunning.

3. They swapped the old 18' rims with new 17' rim and fitted them with Apollo H1alpha tyre front 110/70 17 and rear 150/60 17. Rear rim fitted perfectly but for the front rim they made extension, and the way they made the extension is so that it does not look dull and creepy. The extension looks so beautiful that no can even see or say that there is that there is an extension between rim and front 320mm disc.

4. They made to whole new cowl and integrated tail light in between the cowl that makes the whole cowl so beautiful.

5. They made the diamond cut double seat. Yes you heard it right it is not a single seat but a double seat by removing the cowl and there's enough space for pillion.

6. The light fitted is from Benelli and fixed it at the end of frame inside the cowl. So it looks like that it is a part of the cowl.

7. Front headlight is taken from yamaha fzx 150. It also looks so phenomenal because of day time running led.

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