Road Rocker Interceptor 650 Modified by K Speed Customs

In past we have seen some eye opening modifications, through this post we will show you another big example one such modification. We bet you can't tell which is the stock bike. 

Interceptor 650 modified by K Speed Custom

This is Road Rocker built by K Speed Customs. And the stock bike used is Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 2020 model. 

Here are some of the modification specifications: 

  • Front springer suspension (created from a few old parts mixed)
  • Newly-made upper motorcycle frame
  • 21 inches front, 16 inches rear (wheel and tire)
  • Newly-made Tiny Tank cover
  • Relocate the oil pump from the original place to under the seat, and build a new fuel tank under the seat too.
  • Newly-made Handle-bar (slim shape)
  • Hidden line clutch system
  • Hand Clutch system is changed. It is like you need to use one hand for a normal hand clutch, but it needs another hand for the side clutch around the waist position.
  • It adds the sense of a vintage-type bike.
  • Newly-made Seat
  • Remix the rear frame, use the original structure but change the upper frame
  • Newly-made Exhaust
  • Rear Suspension
  • Decorative Headlight-Taillight (no separated parts for sale at all)
There is no modification is done on the engine side. 

You can comment below and tell us how much do you like this bike by K Speed Customs. 

Interceptor 650 modified by K Speed Custom

Interceptor 650 modified by K Speed Custom

Interceptor 650 modified by K Speed Custom