Interview with Mr. Joy, Mr. MJ and Mr. Pathik from EIMOR Custom

In our interview series, today we have interviewed one of the finest custom bike builders in India "EIMOR Customs".  

[From Left to Right: Pathik, Joy and MJ]

We have also featured their various works. You can check here

We got an opportunity take an interview of them and here is the questionnaire: 

1. Which is the first bike you purchased from your own money?

Ans. Eimor was started by two friends Saikat Basu (JOY) & Mrutyunjaya Dash (MJ). Joy's first bike is 1999 RE Standard 350 and MJ's is 2007 RE Thunderbird 350. Pathik is our third partner who joined about 3 years back. He rides a Husqvarna Svartpilen 250.

2. When did you realized that you wanted to be a bike builder?

Ans. Bike is just a canvas for us. We were always into art from childhood. So an engineering degree and then a lucrative corporate career couldn't stop us from pursuing art.

3. How many bikes have you build till now?  

Ans. Custom paint jobs and customizations combined, we have worked on more than 500 projects till now.

4. Which is your dream bike? 

Ans. Can't really think of one single bike, because each bike is beautiful in its own right.

5. What's your point of view on electric bikes? 

Ans. It's too early but is picking up really well. That's the future. We mostly work on the aesthetics so whether it is an EV or conventional fuel engine. It won't make any major difference to us.

6. Who are others people who inspired you for your work? 

Ans. There are many. We have got so many amazing artists within our country itself. We also like many bike artists from South East Asia and Europe.

7. What's your new project? 

Ans. there are couple of interesting works in progress. Especially a Jawa and a few hand painted helmets.

EIMOR Customs Projects

  • Insignia

  • Bronite

  • Davy Jones
Davy Jones by EIMOR Customs