EIMOR Customs Mastani - Royal Enfield 500 Bullet Modified

Sometimes owning a dream bike not gives you all happiness when the riding is not comfortable in ways like seating positing, foot peg positions., or handlebar etc and also depends on person's height. So they need to changed.  EIMOR Customs have done something similar for their client. They modified this Royal Enfield 500 for making more comfortable for her.

EIMOR Customs Mastani

The modification involves peanut tank, high performance fish tail exhaust, Comfortable seat, super handling, rear disk brakes, custom mudguards with ribbed centre. Bike is perfect blend of street and cruising style.

EIMOR Customs Mastani

Their client is a women so they named this bike as Mastani, Dedicated to her which means female who is happy from inside.

EIMOR Customs Mastani

If you like this bike then you can contact EIMOR Customs through their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/EIMORCustomsIND