Royal Enfield 707 Gentleman Racer by Oberdan Bezzi

What about the 707cc Royal Enfield in a vintage style continental GT? How amazing it sounds? Yes, this is not true we know that Royal Enfield not has plans for any kind of bike like this. But imagine if there would be any bike from them what it could be. Same is imagined by famous bike designer Oberdan Bezzi.

Royal Enfield 707 Gentleman Racer by Oberdan Bezzi

He has render a Royal Enfield with 707cc bike in a classic retro sport bike. The bike utilises the same line up of 650 twins with 707cc engine which is capable of producing 65 HP. The chasis remained the same but the dimensions, braking system and suspension have been altered to suitable riding. Equipped with the best components this RE can be good proposal for the market.

This bike which has the British attire with the Indian legacy could be the perfect Gentleman's choice.