TNT Motorcycles Shunya 2.0 - World's Lowest Royal Enfield Chopper

Today we are featuring yet another graceful build by TNT Motorcycles. The bike which we are featuring is their first build. This bike is known as Shunya 2.0.

TNT Motorcycles Shunya 2

They have custom painted it in White and Green. TNT Motorcycles claims this bike to be the world's lowest Royal Enfield Chopper with the height from ground is just 31 inches.

They have used custom with a 1948 Harley Davidson Springer Fork installed at 45 degree rake. This bikes has fitted with Avon 5.0*16 rubber on both front and rear.

Shunya sports their signature fuel tank, along with a battery box, electrical box and rear fender.

Everything expect the engine, wiring, tyres and wheels has been hand fabricated in house.

Read TNT Motorcycles Rastafire Scrambler 

If you like this bike then you can contact TNT Motorcycles through their facebook page: