JSK Moto Co - Project Rhodium Omega

Futuristic Designs always make us believe that our future will be more beautiful then the present. Today we are showing you the bike which is the perfect example of the above statement. This bike is made by JSK Moto, USA and we are sure that you will check this bike again and again after seeing at once.

This is called Project Rhodium Omega. Why this name as Rhodium is a very rare metal and is very reflective so that the bike designing is. And Omega is the name of the frame of the bike.

This bike is based on Yamaha GTS1000. The project was started when the Businessmen Jame's Chen approached to Samuel Kao of JSK Moto. James has a childhood imagination and want the millenial version of it.

They ripped of the body to remove the excess weight. They designed new frame, Build a custom fuel tank and a custom radiator.

They used Lithium battery instead of using stock one. They designed at sixteen version of headlights before coming to the final version and set up this headlight with the help of Chenkai Zhang.

The ultra futuristic version of speedometer is inserted in the bike to make it more special.

If you like this bike then you can contact them through their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jskmotoco/

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