Tex Motorbike XBuell Gcode 1.2 - A Futuristic Modification

Some Motorcycles designs gain your eyes attention in such a way that it remains for long time in your head.
Tex Motorbike is one such custom builder whose work can easily makes you his fan. Their designs are so much futuristic and are practical too. Their work is being recognized at international level.

Today we are featuring their one such project which is XBUELL GCode 1.2. You can check its pic here.

Tex Motorbike XBuell GCODE 1.2

It is built by Paolo Tex Tesio an Italian Automotive designer and owner of Tex Motorbike. He just wanted  to have hands on American two cylinder motorcycles. For that the an idea came in his mind in 2015.

He was fascinated by the great proportions and strong personality of American Twin Cylinder bike.

He has spend 12 months completely for design which was done through Virtual modeling systems, using CNC technologies and 3D printing methods.

He says while making a motorcycle style and functionality go hand in hand. every aesthetic element must be in perfect harmony with the mechanical one and vice versa. It is not by chance that all the superstructures are perfectly aligned with each other.

He wanted some unique front similar to their previous project with more innovation. He used telescopic fairing device, TCS, through this system he had replace the front optical unit in a particular position.

He used lithium ion battery which was hidden in its tail. Replaced original air filter with sophisticated one. Tank Panels were new.

The end result is a strong impact with themes and proportions in perfect cyborg style.

If you like this bike then check out his latest creations at his facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TEX.motorbike

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