Honda CBR 150R Service Cost and Schedule
Here we are providing you all the details about Honda CBR 150R Service cost and Schedule.
There will be total six services from which 4 are free and 2 are paid.
First service will be done after the 30 days or after 1000 km travel.
You can check out the schedule from the below table:
There will be total six services from which 4 are free and 2 are paid.
First service will be done after the 30 days or after 1000 km travel.
You can check out the schedule from the below table:
1 | 1000 | 30 | Free | NA | NA |
2 | 4000 | 120 | Free | NA | NA |
3 | 8000 | 240 | Free | NA | NA |
4 | 12000 | 365 | Free | NA | NA |
5 | 16000 | 455 | Paid | NA | Paid Service after every 4000 kms or 90 days from the previous service |
6 | 20000 | 545 | Paid | NA | Paid Service after every 4000 kms or 90 days from the previous service |
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